Monday, August 29, 2016

Tea Tree Oil (Australian) - 100% Pure & Natural - 45% Terpenin-4-ol - Triple Extra Quality Premium Therapeutic Grade - 1 fl oz

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Tea tree oil has so many uses, it is a good idea to keep a bottle on hand. We work with an all-natural doctor who told us that we can use tee tree oil for things like nail fungus, sore throats, ear aches, wounds, infections, to keep lice away and many other things. So when the school had a lice outbreak I thought what better time could there be to add it to our shampoo and conditioning then now. Neither of my kids ended up with lice even though the majority of their classes did. There was confusion in my house over whether or not this is the same stuff to make some teas. It is not and shouldn’t be ingested. This bottle came with a little dropper. It was a glass bottle and a glass dropper. Both of which are good quality. The oil itself is high quality. I highly recommend this Tea Tree Oil.

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**Disclaimer: I received this product at a discounted/free rate in return for my honest and unbiased review. However, I will never mislead any fellow amazon customers by writing a false review regardless of what I’ve paid for a product. I will only give a product the number of stars it truly deserves. I myself count on review so I understand the importance of the reviews being completely honest. Please click the yes button below if you found my review helpful. It will help me out a lot. Thanks for reading my review!
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